Barbara Cady is running for State House Representative District 42 in Osceola and Polk Counties.
“The current representative is out of touch with the needs of the people of this district.
I have walked, and continue to walk, the neighborhoods of district 42 and have met incredible people, hard working families who are struggling to make ends meet. Wages have not kept up with the cost of living.
The current state ruling party passed an education bill, without input from educators or citizens of Florida, that puts our children’s future at risk. We need to invest in our children’s future, not sell it off to the highest bidder.
Enough is enough. Together we can bring the change we need and deserve.
Time for new leadership in Tallahassee!”
Join us in helping bring Barbara to Tallahassee- to learn more click here!
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Let’s win this! #ShesTheChange
Standing with you and thank you for your support.
Pam Goodman
President/CEO, Ruth’s List FL