Contact: Pamela Goodman,
President/CEO, Ruth’s List
561-843-1233 or
***For Immediate Release***
Tampa, Florida – Ruth’s List Florida, the state’s only resource dedicated to recruiting and aiding Democratic women candidates, held their first Wise Women Wednesday webinar on March 18th at 10:00 AM addressing the Coronavirus.
Ruth’s List Florida has the unique privilege of having a long list of candidates, staff, volunteers, members and leadership who have a wide breadth of knowledge in business, public health, education, finance, health care and government. “RLF is a community of women leaders not only in elected office and those seeking elected office. Our Executive Board, staff and regional members have leaders from many facets in our state. Our goal is to tap their professional insight into this crisis and provide well grounded facts and information. Our concern is that social media is often not fact based. And we believe transparent open discourse is vital amid this crisis.” Pamela Goodman, President and CEO of Ruth’s List Florida.
Ruth’s List Florida engaged some of our highly regarded thought leaders to educate Floridian’s on the impact of COVID-19- Dr. Kayser Enneking, Barbara Zdravecky, Karla Hernández-Mats, and The Honorable Alex Sink. Presenters addressed staying healthy, healthcare systems, what we know about the virus, the impact on schools, children and families, economic concerns and advice and the need for self-care and the impact on our mental health. This webinar was provided free of charge before a maximum capacity audience.
The webinar was recorded and is available to view at HERE.
The Wise Women Wednesday series are online educational and engagement programs designed to help keep our community connected during this time of social distancing and enable us to bring the highly lauded training and education for which Ruth’s List Florida is the gold standard to new and continued members of the RLF community.
Ruth’s List Florida is dedicated to building a progressive Florida by recruiting and assisting Democratic women leaders to the State Cabinet, Legislature, County Commissions, City Councils and other key positions in Florida. Since 2008, Ruth’s List Florida has 120+ victories and has raised more than $5,000,000 to support Democratic women running for state and local office in Florida. For more information about Ruth’s List Florida please visit: