Friend, Ruth’s List poses one issue question to our candidates: “Are you pro-choice?” That may sound simple, but it’s because we know conservatives and right-wing extremists have been targeting this fundamental right for women since the day we were founded. Now, as we see devastating attacks on abortion rights in Georgia and now in Alabama this is more important than ever. We must elect pro-choice women to elected office in Florida at every level of government to ensure that when extremists try to attack us here, we have a pro-choice majority to stand up and shout, “NO.” You don’t have to look to closely to see many of our state’s leaders look like those in Georgia and Alabama — and we know they are already launching the same attacks here. Every session they propose more and more extremist bills. And the people who fund these anti-choice legislators are millionaires and billionaires who can write big checks. We don’t count on them — we’re counting on grassroots donors like you. Pamela Goodman
Ruth’s List Florida
100 E Madison Street Suite 302 FL Tampa FL 33602 United States