Highlighting Annette Taddeo

Senator Annette Taddeo made history in September 2017 by becoming the first Democratic Latina to be elected to the Florida Senate. Her special election kicked off the blue wave ðŸŒŠ in the Sunshine State.

Since her election, she has been a fierce advocate for our public schools. Senator Taddeo has fought to increase funding, taken on the NRA to ensure our children are safe and that we arm teachers with textbooks, not guns.

Click here to see her riveting commercial! Then share it with your friends.

We need to protect her seat!

Find out more about her race and how you can help by visiting www.ruthslistfl.org/our-candidates.

Let’s win this! #ShesTheChange

Standing with you and thank you for your support.

Pam Goodman
President/CEO, Ruth’s List FL