Contact: Pamela Goodman
President/CEO Ruth’s List Florida
28 Democratic Pro-Choice Women Win Primaries Across Florida
Orlando- As the August 28th primary ended, it was clear that women voters and women candidates are ready for change in Tallahassee.
“Ruth’s List has invested years recruiting and training Democratic pro-choice women to seek and serve in local office. We are building the bench of the next generation of leaders in Florida. Last night we helped elect a record number of women up and down the ballot all across the State,” said Pam Goodman, CEO/President of Ruth’s List Florida.
Starting at the top of the ballot, Ruth’s List endorsed statewide candidate for Agriculture Commissioner, Nikki Fried, won her primary and will face off against Republican, Matt Caldwell, in the fall.
“Ruth’s List will make heavy investments in Fried’s race. Florida needs her and knows it’s time to end 20 years of Republican rule.” Goodman stated.
Moving down the ballot, Ruth’s List recruited and endorsed candidate for State Senate in Gainesville, Dr. Kayser Enneking, delivered an overwhelming victory. Enneking was the recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars of negative campaign advertising courtesy of Republicans attempting to elect the weaker opponent.
Said Goodman, “Dirty tricks from the Republican play book are sadly part of politics in Florida. Voters know it and won’t stand for it. We look forward to picking up this long held Republican seat in the fall with a pro-choice health care expert.”
On the House side, six candidates won their primaries and will face opponents in November. They are Dotie Joseph (HD 108), Joy Goff-Marcil (HD 30), Cindy Polo (HD 103), Kristin Jacobs (HD 96), Tina Polsky (HD 81) and Tracey Kagan (HD 29).
“Ruth’s List is thrilled tonight and tomorrow will get back at it. Floridians are ready to fight for a clean environment, a fully funded public education system and the health care we all deserve. With our efforts, these women candidates will be elected, making significant contributions in the fall. A new day will dawn in Florida,” Goodman concluded.